31/05/72 Avyakt BapDada Revised: 13/09/93

Do you constantly perform every action whilst considering yourself to be a Shiv Shakti? Does your image adorned with the ornaments and the image with eight arms constantly remain in front of you? To be one with eight arms means to have eight powers. So, do you constantly and clearly see your form of the embodiment of eight powers in front of you? It is remembered of the Shaktis: The Shaktis that are absorbed in Shiv Baba. So, do you constantly stay in Shiv Baba's remembrance? Shiva and the Shaktis are praised together. The soul and the body are together, whilst the soul is playing its part through the body in this world, they cannot be separated. In the same way, Shiva and the Shaktis also have such a deep connection. This is why there is the praise of being Shiv Shaktis. So, do you constantly experience the company, or is there simply the praise? There should be such constant company that no one can ever separate this company; no one can ever break this relationship. Whilst having this experience, constantly move along whilst being the embodiment of all powers, merged in Shiva, and then Maya will never cause any obstacles in your love for Baba. It is said: Two together are equal to ten. So, when Shiva and the Shaktis are both together, can anyone do anything to such Shaktis? No other shakti can attack you or defeat you when you are in the form of double Shakti. If you are being defeated or attacked by Maya, then are you stabilised in the form of a Shiv Shakti? Are you stabilised in your form of the eight powers, the complete and perfect form?

If even one power out of the eight powers is lacking, can you be praised in the way that the eight­ armed Shaktis have been praised? Constantly check yourself to see whether you are moving along as a Shiv Shakti with the eight powers. Those who have constantly adopted the eight powers can come within the eight special deities. If you experience any one power lacking in yourself, then it is difficult to come within the eight deities. The eight deities are praised and worshipped by the entire world as the special deities. So, if you want to become the special deities of the path of bhakti or if you want to become one of the eight deities, you must continue to constantly imbibe the eight powers within yourself. By imbibing these powers, you will easily and automatically experience two things in yourselves. What are those two things? By constantly considering yourself to be a Shiv Shakti, one with eight arms or eight powers, firstly, you will constantly have the experience of companionship, and secondly, you will constantly experience your stage to be that of a detached observer. You will experience being both a companion and a detached observer. In other words, you would call this the stage of a detached observer or the point form. Or, it is called the experience of companionship, that is, it is called the experience of the avyakt stage. By imbibing the eight powers, you will constantly, easily and automatically experience these two powers. You will experience it in the same way as when you have the company of someone in a physical way. At that time, you will never experience yourself to be alone or weak. In the same way, when you have the awareness of the Almighty Authority Shiva and the Shaktis, then whilst walking and moving around, you will experience it as though you are physically together in His company and His hand is in your hand. It is said: The company and the hand. So the company is the constant love of the intellect, and the hand is the hand of shrimat which you will constantly experience with you. When you have someone else's hand on you, you become fearless and the form of Shakti and you become ready to perform any task, no matter how difficult it may be. In the same way, when you constantly experience the hand of shrimat on you, then you will never be afraid of any difficult situation or obstacles of Maya. With the help of the hand, with courage, you will find it easy to face any situation. To represent this, what has been shown as an image of the bhagats and God? If you look at the images of the Shaktis, you will see the hand of blessings over the bhagats. They show the hand on the head. This means that if you constantly have the hand over the head, that is, if you have the hand of shrimat in your intellect, then because of having the hand and the company, you are constantly victorious. Do you constantly experience the hand and the company in this way?

No matter how weak a soul may be, if his Companion is the Almighty Authority, then the weak soul is automatically filled with power. No matter how fearsome a place may be, if their companion is brave, then even weak souls become brave. Then they will never be afraid of Maya. The reason for being afraid of Maya or for not being able to face Maya is that you do not experience the hand and the company. Baba is giving company, but what can He do if those who have to take it, do not take it? When a father wishes to bring a child onto the right path, he holds the hand of the child, but if the child lets go of the father's hand and continues to follow his own dictates, what will happen? He will become confused. In this way, firstly, you forget the company of the intellect, and you let go of the hand of shrimat. This is why you become confused and have to face problems and you become weak. Maya is also very clever. In order to attack you, she will first of all make you leave the hand and the company and isolate you. When you are isolated and weak, Maya attacks. Generally, when an enemy attacks people, he will first of all isolate them from other company. He will isolate them with one or another method and attack them. Maya also first makes you let go of the hand and the company and then she attacks you. If you do not let go of the hand and the company, then, when you have the company of the Almighty Authority, what can Maya do? You will become the conquerors of Maya. So, do not ever let go of the hand and the company. So, constantly continue to move along as master almighty authorities. On the path of bhakti also, you call out: Hold my hand once. So Baba is holding your hand and wishes to move along with His hand in your hand. However, if even then, you let go of His hand, then apart from wandering, what else would happen to you? So, you yourselves become the instruments to make yourself wander. A soldier would keep his weapons and all his equipment with himself before he goes onto the battlefield. In the same way, when you go to perform any action on the field of action, and when any soldier goes to battle on a battlefield, before you perform any action, do you keep all your weapons, that is, these eight powers with you and then perform action, or do you remember your equipment at the time when the enemy comes? What would happen then?

You would be defeated. Constantly consider yourselves to be the soldiers who are performing karma on the field of action, that is, consider yourselves to be Maharathis. Those who are ready to oppose others on the battlefield will never let go of their weapons. Even when they go to sleep, they do not let go of their weapons. In the same way, do not forget your eight powers when you go to sleep, that is, you have to keep your weapons with you. It should not be that at the time when Maya attacks you, you sit down and try to think about what yukti you should adopt. Then time would go by whilst you are just thinking about it. Therefore, you should constantly remain ever­ready. If you are not constantly alert and ever­ready, Maya will deceive you in one way or another. And what will the result of deceit be? Seeing your own self, waves of sorrow emerge. Your weaknesses bring more weaknesses. If you do not have any weaknesses, then more weaknesses can never come.

All of you call yourselves the emperors of the land that is free from sorrow, do you not? This is the stage of the present time when the world of sorrow is in front of you. You have the knowledge of sorrow and no sorrow at this time. Whilst this exists, you constantly reside in that stage, and this is why you are called the emperors of the land that is free from sorrow. Although you are beggars, whilst being beggars, you are the emperors of the land that is free from sorrow. So, do you constantly stay in the intoxication of being the emperors of the land that is free from sorrow? The emperors, that is, the rulers, automatically have the power to rule the kingdom. But, if they do not use that automatic power in the right way, if they become trapped in some wrong task somewhere or another, then they lose the power to rule and their royal status. In the same way, here also, you are the emperors of the land that is free from sorrow, and you have the attainment of all powers. However, if you come under the influence of bad company or under the influence of any physical organs and lose your powers, then the attainment and happiness that you have attained as the emperor of the land that is free from sorrow automatically disappears.

Just as those emperors become bankrupt, in the same way, here also, because of being subservient to Maya, you become bankrupt. This is why you say: What can I do? How will it happen? When will it happen? All these are the signs of being bankrupt and a king of attachment. You come under the influence of one or another physical organ and lose your powers. Do you understand? So, do not ever forget the awareness that you are the embodiment of eight powers and an emperor of the land that is free from sorrow. In bhakti also, you always called out to constantly stay under His canopy of protection. So, why do you move away from the canopy of protection of His company and His hand? Nowadays, in the old world also, if someone has a good companion who has even a little position, then she has intoxication and happiness, because she thinks that her backbone is powerful. This is why she has intoxication and remains happy. So, who is the backbone of all of you? Those who have the Almighty Authority as their backbone should have so much intoxication and happiness. Can your waves of happiness ever finish? Do the waves of the ocean ever finish? Waves do not emerge from rivers, but they continue to emerge from the ocean. So, you are the master oceans, are you not? So, can the waves of Godly intoxication and Godly happiness ever finish? They only finish when the connection with the Ocean is broken, that is, when you let go of the company and the hand. Then the waves of happiness merge again. If you constantly experience His company, you will also constantly be saved from performing sinful action, because sinful actions are always performed when in isolation. When someone steals, lies or is under the influence of sinful actions, which is also called having thoughts or performing actions of impurity, he only performs them when he is alone. Now, constantly experience yourself to be with the Father and you will not perform these actions. If someone is watching you, would you steal anything? If someone is listening to you, would you tell lies? So, if you are constantly performing any wasteful or sinful action again and again, the reason for this is that you do not constantly keep the Companion with you, that is, you are not experiencing the company. Why do you sometimes become unhappy whilst moving along? You only become unhappy when you are alone. If you are in a gathering and you have attainment from the gathering, would you be unhappy? If the Almighty Authority is with you, if the Seed is with you, then together with the Seed, the tree is also with you and so how then can you have a stage of unhappiness? If you are not alone, why would you be unhappy? Sometimes, because of being attacked by the obstacles of Maya, because of experiencing yourself to be weak, you reach the stage of experiencing distress. When you forget the company of the powerful One, you become weak, and because of being weak, you forget your own prestige and become distressed. What would be the reason for all the weaknesses and defects you experience? You let go of the support of the hand and the company you are receiving. Do you understand?

You even say that it is only once throughout the whole kalpa that you receive such company. But, even then, you let go of it! If someone gives his hand in order to try and save another, and yet that other one tries to drown, what would that be called? You yourselves are making your own selves experience distress. Is it that you enjoy this stage of distress even now because you stayed in this stage for a long period of time? No. So why do you go onto that side again and again? Now, you have to move very fast; you have to intensify your stage. When you merge the essence into yourself, you will become the embodiment of the essence, and you will have unlimited disinterest in the world that has no essence. Achcha.

To those who constantly keep the company and take the hand; to those who are the emperors of the land that is free from sorrow, namaste.

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